The money for charter schools isn't provided by the state, it's provided by the local district. If they are going to increase them, they really need to look at the funding so they're not hurting public education.

In communities where there are many charter schools those communities have had very negative effects. They have seen serious deficits in putting there budgets together because of all the money they have to send to charter schools.

The kids live in a sleep-deprived culture. Our society has been very cavalier about our disregard for needing sleep. Changing school times is just a small piece of the discussion.

I've been told (that) about every district has children who won't be in school because of this. Superintendents are unhappy, and there appears to be nothing anybody can do about it.

We asked the state that the funding be adequate and on time, and they've managed to do that. But we also need the funding to be predictable and sustainable, and we always worry until they establish a formula and commit themselves to supporting it that there are going to be surprises from year to year.