Chelsea has already got many offers for college. She could possibly be playing at the Division I level, as well. She ranks right up there with the best of the boys in the districts. ... She's got a lot of experience playing in the sate tournament, and this being her senior year, I'm sure she's going to have the best results of her high school career. This should be her year to make an impact.

It's the first time I've ever coached a player who every year qualified for states. It's even more pleasing that it's a female who qualified on her own merits.

The family lives within walking distance of one of the holes. Kyle and Max each have jobs there. ... They're basically growing up at the golf course. That's what made them great athletes in that sport.

Kyle has really fine-tuned his game. The only weakness in his game could be in distance, because of his young age. The rest of his game seems to be flawless. He is very talented around the greens in short play, and that's what allows him to score very well in the tournaments. ... He spends an endless amount of time on putting greens.