One year we had so many broken things we put in a punching bag, just to see if it would help. It was right down the stairs (from the dugout). I don't know how often the players used it, but we didn't keep it long.

We still have our TAG clusters in elementary and we still have our TAG courses in high school. Our TAG program is as robust and alive as it ever was. It's the administrative support, generally speaking, will have to be absorbed by other administrators on campus and at the central office.

The more people going up there, the better our business is going to be.

I see no reason for spending additional funds to expand beyond what we have now.

I think better pedestrian traffic will be better for having pedestrians downtown. And, the long range plan calls for that. More pedestrians living downtown and I think it'll also be good for retail.

For writing style and pace, your work stands alone.