Right now we still have to score to win until we get the pitching straightened out. Fortunately, we've been scoring decent. The least number of runs we have scored in a game was in the 9-5 loss to Hilliard Darby (on April 6) and we had only three hits that game.

We just had to look for people to pitch and we found a few guys that really stepped up and helped us.

It is a really big week for us. The tournament draw is Sunday and we have to go in with a decent record. If we can have a productive week, it will help the seeding for us.

Guys are hitting in the clutch pretty well. Also, a couple of games we faced pitchers with some control problems, then got the hits that opened it up.

He hasn't done anything. He went to the doctor and I don't know if he'll be able to pitch or what. He hasn't picked up a ball for a few days.

I don't know if everyone knows we have a good record.