Our mobile sources like cars and gas-powered motors are going to be a problem this year. So what we're doing at the department is we're releasing a full-frontal attack.

We're doing a lot of things because they're expedient.

Until the water is pumped out and until we can test the sludge and everything, we really don't know what the livability aspects are going to be, ... And that is probably going to be another two months just to get the water out of New Orleans.

We have no idea yet how long it's going to take to get rid of it. We're working on all kinds of different ways to get rid of debris, but we won't know if any of them are valid until we see what we've got to get rid of.

You just cannot understand the magnitude of what we're facing.

We're probably going to be seeing a lot of this. That's an oil-producing area, so we really have no idea what we're up against at this point.