Instead of being one of a number of options, they sell the sizzle of the start rate rather than the details of the mortgage.

Emergency management officials, law enforcement officials and public health officials might reassess how well those plans are designed to deal with those populations.

It has only been in the last 10 years that this fault's significance has been understood. For the most part, Oregonians believe that Oregon doesn't have the kind of earthquake history that California or even Washington has.

My dad definitely fills up my closet. Running is something we've always done together as a family. My dad did it, then my sister followed and I saw how much she liked it.

I've been getting hundreds of calls.

What Energy Management does within the school district is we look for opportunities or ways to cut consumption in the schools.

It's important to know Hess never ends up with 1 cent more than the customer bought.

If a coastal earthquake does occur ... it will take some time to arrange for delivery of materials and services and getting people out of areas. When you have such a large area and transportation routes would be gone, we are looking at a really significant impact.

The question becomes, well, where do you get the product to fill the pipeline? ... The system was basically running full- out before the storm to supply the market and now we've lost nearly 10 percent of the (U.S.) refining capacity.