James Robbins
FameRank: 4

"James Robbins" is the BBC's Diplomatic Correspondent, a post he has held since January 1998. He previously served as its Southern Africa Correspondent (from 1987 to 1991) and its Europe Correspondent (from 1992 to 1998). He led the BBC's coverage of September 11, 2001 attacks/9/11, making the first report on that evening's BBC Ten O'Clock News, a report lasting over 7 minutes. He is a regular contributor to BBC news programmes.

More James Robbins on Wikipedia.

Your model is Westborough Centre.

The gap between those expenses claimed and reimbursed that could be justified and documented and those that were inappropriate, undocumented or erroneously charged was too great to ignore.

We make our own sauce. We make our own rub. We make our own marinade. We make everything but the meat.

It is hard to understand what more should, or realistically could have been done up to this point.