This today is the most massive crisis migration, except perhaps the Civil War, in American history.

People who were healthy enough to get up and walk out did.

We're now seeing the first large-scale, environmentally related displacement of people in 70 years, ... And if we're not careful some of the social consequences may be similar to the last one.

These are going to be very long-lasting changes in America, ... The people who are leaving their homes, will take years to re-settle. The Gulf states are going to take years and years to rebuild. They won't be rebuilt in the same way. This is a permanent effect on American society.

American Exodus: The Dust Bowl Migration and Okie Culture in California.

There is a lot of Monday morning quarterbacking, ... You can't plan for everything. What we can do is put together a team structure that can be changed by the minute.

[The double-disaster timing of the piece is] both tragic and relevant, ... American Exodus: The Dust Bowl Migration and Okie Culture in California.

Steinbeck has drought and dust in the wrong parts of Oklahoma, ... And some Oklahomans and Texans didn't like the rather primitive image he created of the Joads. They felt, with some justification, it propounded an Okie stereotype.