I just felt much more comfortable at MICA. They have a great teaching program and they make me feel at home. It's here that I found my voice as an artist and progressed in my art because of the program. It's the best decision I've ever made.

The courses I took were very rigorous and demanding, teaching me how to draw from real life. I started to get bored with that mode of expression as I found it to be too repetitive. I was looking to push myself to do something different and abstract art seemed to be the perfect outlet for that.

I do a lot of collage work with fabrics placed in them. It always surprises and delights me how they can interact and compliment one another.

Not many people in the arts get this scholarship so I feel extremely blessed to have been given this opportunity.

I'm at the point where I'm very comfortable with my art now and feel that I'm where I should be with it. I've put a lot of work into this show and I'm very happy with how it's turning out. I think it's going to be great show.

I love the fact that art allows you the freedom to be able to do what you want with no real constraints as to how you can express yourself. There is no real right or wrong, which is one of the main attractions I've had towards painting.