"Israel Singer" was secretary general of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) from 1986 to 2001.

More Israel Singer on Wikipedia.

Our compass is pointing in the right way and if it continues to point in this way, there should be no reason why we should even discuss (that), ... very unlikely.

If things continue the way they are presently going, we hope that we will have found a constructive route ... to reach reconciliation.

Andrea Bronfman was a pillar of her family and the entire Jewish community. She was an activist as well as a philanthropist.

We really didn't discuss any money today; we discussed the process.

The Pope knew and understood this best as he had been dealing with Jews and Muslims in an extraordinary way when he was a cardinal.

We worked closely with Cardinal Ratzinger on many issues, including the Holy See's relationship with Israel and the church's condemnation of anti-Semitism. Cardinal Ratzinger provided the theological underpinning for many of the major advances in Jewish-Catholic relations in the past quarter century.