Howard Schmidt
FameRank: 4

"Howard A. Schmidt" is a partner with Tom Ridge in Ridge Schmidt Cyber LLC, a consultancy company in the field of cybersecurity. He was the Cyber-Security Coordinator of the Obama Administration, operating in the Executive Office of the President of the United States. He announced his retirement from that position on May 17, 2012, effective at the end of the month.

One of Schmidt's leading policy objectives was the development of "National Strategy for

Trusted Identities in Cyberspace", which sought to enable private industry to create electronic identities that can be relied upon in cyberspace similar to the way that businesses rely on the combination of driver's licenses and credit cards to authenticate identities in physical space.

More Howard Schmidt on Wikipedia.

We see people talking about the digital Pearl Harbor from the worms and Trojans and viruses. But in all probability, there's more likelihood of what we call the 'backhoe attack' that would have more impact on a region then a Code Red, or anything we've seen so far.

We're much stronger today than we have been ever in the past.

It's not about developing better patching mechanisms. The long-term answer is you just write better code.

We all have some concerns about the future of attacks against applications and databases. The biggest issue is when you start laying your Web infrastructure over these back-end applications.

We've got to start from ground zero.

In software development, we need to have personal quality assurances from developers that the code they write is secure.