I thought we did a good job of being patient, especially when we started to take the lead at the end of the game. If we stay patient, we are going to get the shots that we want and good things are going to happen.

Coaches have started doing things that Lincoln has been doing for years ? taking kids to team camps, putting them in the gym (in the summer) and making sure they play. We're just finally catching up with them.

She has a great mentality. You have to think, 'That's my ball' when it goes up. Even if you have to take it away from your own teammate.

We came out like a whirlwind and we left like a lamb.

It's tough being in the city this year.

It's going to be like two prize fighters. We're the small ones, they're the big ones.

The suburban schools have traditionally done better than the city schools, and I believe that's due to economics, plus, in the city schools we water each other down. We're fragmented, but in the suburbs you have one high school that everybody goes to.

I told the girls that we wanted to spread the floor and make it a free-throw game.

I mentioned to the girls that the game was too close for comfort. I told them we had to drive and hope they would foul us.