Athletics gives us visibility and creates part of the excitement of the campus and makes Nebraska what Nebraska is, ... That, I'm sure, helps enrollment over the long term. But I don't think whether we win or lose a game directly (affects) whether enrollment goes up or down.

I think her concern about the representation of her class as not accurate is certainly legitimate, ... I don't think the overall impression of the show is in any way an insult to her or the rest of the faculty.

I thought the university came through very well, ... I think the comedy is a joke on Tommy and not a joke on the university.

I don't think one ought to dramatize this year as critical or anything else, ... We're rebuilding a program. Obviously, I'm sure all of us, including the coaches, would like to see that we're making progress toward a return to national competitiveness. But I don't think you put that on a single year and say you've got to do it now or never.

They offered us Tommy Lee, they didn't offer us Snow White.

Our admissions people tell us there is certainly a buzz about the university when you talk to high school kids across the country.