Windows makes it really easy to pick whatever software you want to use and whatever service you want to use, ... We're really focused on addressing the needs of our customers and developing a platform that all of our partners can build on, and add value to, to provide the greatest customer choice.

We're investing in a wide range of models. The new kind of applications ISVs (independent software vendors) can make (with Windows Vista) will be dramatically different from what's possible with the Web application model. I think it's clearly differentiated.

It's not specific to any operating system but has to do with larger hard drive caches in combination with fast processors.

This has been an ongoing design goal of ours.

We're investing in a wide range of models. The new kind of applications ISVs can make (with Windows Vista) will be dramatically different from what's possible with the Web application model. I think it's clearly differentiated.

We call on the Palestinians to do all they can to end these attacks, ... and we will underscore this need with the Palestinian delegation that is coming next week.

We've done work in Windows 2000 to address this and prevent it from happening.

I think we're starting to get it. We're living in a different world than five or 10 years ago. And there's incredible value in the feedback we get from the broad developer community.