If the group has the ability to compel an action, some people won't come to the table at all. It has to be a safe place, so you can disclose what your interests are. Generally these groups come up with some recommendation they take to a body, an administrator or legislature. To the extent that they've had all the stakeholders present, every one I've been involved with has been accepted.

It?s a tragic, tragic story. One evening has changed so many lives. He has tried to change things around.

They have no reason to reach an agreement. They're only there to stop other people from achieving one, or to express their ideological views. Some groups have had legislators in them; they don't have an interest in the outcome, but they feel strongly about how things need to happen.

If your focus is on the past, on being compensated for something that happened in the past, you're not likely to get what you want.

The biggest question is, are people ready to do something different? If they want to perpetuate the status quo, they'll continue to do that. So long as people think they can amass legal political power and beat whoever, that's what they'll do.