George Friedman
FameRank: 4

"George Friedman" is an United States/American political scientist and author. He is the founder, chief intelligence officer, financial overseer, and CEO of the private intelligence corporation STRATFOR. He has authored several books, including The Next 100 Years, The Next Decade (book)/The Next Decade, America's Secret War, The Intelligence Edge, The Coming War With Japan and The Future of War.

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We have not intended our actions to sound threatening, ... Obviously, they have been threatening, and I apologize for that. We didn't mean to be making threats.

You don't have the resources to childproof the entire country.

There is a deep consensus between Gore and Bush, ... When you look at the last 10 years, there's not much you can think that would be different if George Bush (the former president and father of the current GOP nominee) had won and Bill Clinton had lost.

There's a kind of sense of unreality that we're looking at here. Nobody's really talking about how we're going to manage a world that looks at the United States and is jealous and bitter. The issue we're missing is that we are reading our own prosperity as a global phenomenon, and it isn't.

I still believe that, with Savoy being part of the community, it ought to be part of the MTD, ... I don't think a multiplicity of mass transit districts in the metropolitan area is a good thing. There may come a time when Savoy may want to be part of the C-U MTD, and we would be available to discuss that.

We're talking to him every day, and we know where he is.

It seems almost as if a nuclear weapon went off in New Orleans, ... The displacement of the population is the crisis that New Orleans faces. . . . The physical and business processes of a port cannot occur in a ghost town, and right now, that is what New Orleans is.

There are possibilities to shape the world in ways that are in the American national interest. This isn't a permanent situation. It's not going to stay here forever ... We're not talking about them or taking advantage of them.