We felt comfortable that the ultimate goal (of getting the records released) would still be achieved. We don't believe that there was a material change in the process.

We're trying our level best because the mayor believes in the work the shelters are doing to transition people into permanent housing. The more time they have to spend in a stable environment, the more successful they are.

It will go a long way toward maximizing the potential of the convention center expansion of 2001.

This is a municipal embarrassment and it has everything to do with the lack of political leadership that predates Sanders in office.

We are rightly concerned about the impact that this particular development will have on our TOT receipts, especially at a time when our budget is so tight.

We believe this to be very consistent in that it protects our citizens from the perils of secondhand smoke.

The mayor believes the city of San Diego should get its fair share, but we want to work cooperatively with the county. It's going to factor pretty high on our priority list.

This is not a control issue; it's a facilitator issue. We've agreed that the Mayor's Office would be the spokesman on the status of discussions. The team deferred to our office so that we make sure we're sending out the same message.

The mayor plans on meeting with them and introducing a piece of legislation.