There's no way any number of companies will be able to protect human rights through a business model. When things go wrong, people need a [legal] remedy. Right now we don't have that.

You've heard of B-to-B? This is G-to-G. Government to government, ... even though the subject is people's personal data.

Ultimately, it's a human rights issue in the information age.

This is another outrageous example of why self-regulation does not work.

It's becoming increasingly likely that Internet privacy legislation will get serious consideration now.

It's an exercise in futility, because Europeans still have their rights under their national laws.

This case is a reminder that information that's collected about you can be used in ways you never imagined.

This could have a chilling effect on how people use the Internet.

One of the linchpins of this whole agreement is now the FTC is going to become an aggressive pit bull for the privacy rights of Europeans.