These results do not support previous notions that a low-fat diet is the cause of the obesity epidemic. This pretty much shows that certain things we do now are healthful, such as low saturated fat intake.

You had this population-wide reduction (in fat). Everyone heard about fats. We wanted to get saturated fats down. One way to do that was to lower total fats. That was the public health message.

Postmenopausal women are at an age where they get this little bump in weight. Following this diet isn't going to cause a weight gain.

We really need to see the results of the trial to see whether following this diet is good for cancer or cardiovascular disease. Let's see what happens.

Participants in the two intervention groups made greater changes than those in the control group and saw the greatest benefit in blood pressure status. This shows that people at risk for heart disease can successfully and simultaneously make multiple changes in lifestyle, for a substantial benefit.