"Eric Reeves" (born 1950) is professor of English Language and Literature at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts, where he teaches courses in Shakespeare, Milton, and the history of literary theory and the history of literacy. Before coming to Smith, he received degrees in English Literature from Williams College and the University of Pennsylvania.

He has spent the past thirteen years working as a Sudan researcher and analyst. He has testified several times before the United States Congress/Congress, has lectured widely in academic settings, and has served as a consultant to a number of human rights and humanitarian organizations operating in Sudan. Working independently, he has written on several aspects of Sudan's recent history, in particular what he identifies as genocide in the Darfur region, and the role of the Sudanese and Chinese governments in perpetuating it.

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The University of California is arguably the flagship state university system in the country and a bellwether for opinion in how to proceed.

This is not a regime that is showing any signs of bowing to international pressure.

The situation on the border is rapidly deteriorating, and an outright war would make the humanitarian situation unbearable.