"Emily Lyons" is an American nurse who was gravely injured when Eric Robert Rudolph bombed an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, where she worked. She was a prominent figure during Rudolph's trial and sentencing, and has also become an activist for abortion rights.

More Emily Lyons on Wikipedia.

The main purpose was to see him and let him know he failed.

This was the real thing, this time.

The smile hasn't left my face since Saturday morning, ... We've waited five years for this day and, if he is the one that is guilty of this, we want the legal system to provide appropriate punishment for him.

How could you do something like this and why?

I'm determined to stop this violence so I'm speaking out.

We are thankful that he has been caught, thankful to the police and the FBI and the ATF and the media that has kept his picture and his name out there.

I was in the right place, just at the wrong time that day.

I always tell people there is not a whole lot that has not been damaged on this body. It took out my left eye, my right eye is badly damaged, but I do have some limited vision.

When you think about a partner in your life, you hope that you have someone who will love you unconditionally and truly my husband does.