Your family and your friends love you. We know you are there. We will find you. We will not stop, and God, we will find you, and just be smart, as we know you are, and be strong, as we know you are.

We do know that they are extremely busy and we do strongly feel that they will solve this. They will bring Jennifer back to us.

If they feel as if they'd like to go on TV and say, hey, they're mistaking me as Jennifer, we'll help to facilitate that. That would be great if she needs, obviously, not to be harassed any longer.

Negative things roll right off our family; we don't allow negative things. We're realistic; we understand it could go another direction. That just doesn't help anything.

It's hard to keep things in check, everyone, when something happens like that, but we understand, until we get a call from the proper people, we just have to sit and wait.

She's out there. She's strong. She's smart. Just hang in there. We're close. And we'll get you.

To my knowledge, yes. I don't think any of us are marked out. But to my knowledge, I believe, yes, he's out of the picture on that.

The Web site gives us a lot of hope and a lot of strength.

It is extremely important for us to talk to this person because they could really lead us back to Jennifer.