Some people today want to see a quick fix to the trade imbalance. And if there was one, believe us, we would have tried to get that by now with the Chinese.

It's not enough, it's not nearly enough. We're disappointed with how slowly they've moved to use it, but over time we believe that they have the ability to use it more.

Some people today want to see a quick fix to the trade imbalance. In the new global economy, there is not a quick fix.

Unfortunately, political freedoms have lagged the economic freedoms.

He just said this was unfortunate and I'm sorry it happened.

There are some things that the Chinese also have in terms of sensor technologies and information that we are interested in, in terms of global climate and other issues.

I would be extremely surprised if the Chinese blamed us for this.

In the new global economy, there is no quick fix.

There is no auto pilot in U.S.-China relations, but relations have matured to the point where neither is this a terribly unusual meeting.