What I've never really understood is how someone could say they support the troops but they don't support the war. . . . Because the troops want to win the war.

I think it's very important that they understand the people who were killed.

I think if the Patriot Act were in place in the summer of 2001 ... connecting the dots would have been so basic and easy and fundamental.

When the United States government tries to do things like expediting and making things easier for people, they create a pretext for letting in illegal immigrants.

The Patriot Act would have saved 3,000 lives, and what's scary about that is once they start tinkering with it, it could cost not just 3,000, but tens of thousands of lives. September 11 whetted the terrorists' appetites ... There's nothing like success to motivate people.

My concern would be, is the government in the travel business or the business of protecting our borders?

The threats to our architecture have surpassed the giant ape. Airplanes with jet fuel were far more dangerous than any primate, however big.

Those things need to be resolved before you can go out in a national campaign. You have to be able to tell the public what it is you're building. I don't think they can answer that question yet.

I was very satisfied. I was impressed with what Dr. Rice had to say.