Deb Baker
FameRank: 4

"Deb Baker" (born 1953) is an American mystery writer from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, who has created three mystery series.

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More Deb Baker on Wikipedia.

At the end of the first lunch, there was a group of about - I don't know how many it began as - but it escalated to about 100 students who stayed beyond the period when the lunch was to end. They started chanting 'Mexico, Mexico' and waving flags. The problem began when they exited that area and began co-mingling and being jostled by other students and some fights broke out.

There were only two fights that broke out and only four students were suspended. Within a half an hour, all of the students were returned to their classes.

We are very pleased with the smooth and efficient way in which our school staff, local law enforcement and students worked together in this situation. Rest assured that your children's safety is our number one priority.

Juniper is one of our shining stars. We're very proud of what they're doing.

Are we trying to investigate and research to see how much adult involvement there is? Yes, as we have time. We've basically been [in] crisis management [mode] this week.