Several processes have been initiated over the last couple of years that not only reduce the amount of paper used, but also help the firm operate more efficiently.

They were so proud of their actions that they showed off their blood-splattered shoes they were wearing and treated his broken lifeless body as their trophy, parading friends through the woods to look at it. They listened as he cried out for help and begged him to stop.

Life is full of choices. They could have called for help. They could have stopped and walked away. They made their choice that day, now they must pay the consequences.

We strive to create the best possible experience for all students. Students have usually had a very positive response to the overall study abroad experience. As the student participation increases, staff support will be adjusted accordingly.

We aren't here today because of Michael Roberts. We're not here today because of what he had or didn't have, where he lived or didn't live. We're here today because these four men are murderers.