"David Lowry" is a research consultant with specialist knowledge of UK and EU nuclear and environment policy.

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It's kind of hard to tell why. Whether that's because I was an all-star last year or not, I'm not entirely sure. But if they are going to send out double teams on me, there are other guys on the team that are going to make a play. So offences are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

I think it's really important for us to set a good tone for the end of the season, really come out and execute our game plan, dictate the tempo of the game, ... I think one of the things we have this year is that we are all perfectionists and we are all trying to get that perfect game going and we haven't had that yet.

But I was definitely excited. It was kind of a mixed emotion time for me, because I was in an exam at the time and I was focused on the exam, so it was kind of a tough time to have a draft.

I was definitely looking forward to the draft.