Nothing can justify the murder of innocent people. People across Britain will be sickened by this video.

They say you react seriously as you do practice, ... so this is one thing that we do with the exercise.

Well I think there's going to be a lot of lessons learned, ... but I think that the preparedness, the individual to take responsibility to become prepared himself. And to realize that the government can't always help him.

With rising crime, and the threat of terrorism putting ever more pressure on the police, it is not surprising that officers have to work longer hours. If we really want to get a grip on crime, the government must invest in more officers.

Well, here on the coast, ... the possibility of an earthquake, which would result in a tsunami, is our main concern here.

It'll be a hell of a challenge for them to find someone who speaks, say, Arabic and Welsh.

If somebody plans to carry out a series of murders... then this is obviously an evil and pre-meditated attack and in that case, there could be a deterrent effect.

The Washington embassy is one of the biggest and best-equipped embassies we have in the world, and I would think that they could do a decent job if anybody could.

The proposition is this: that in a time of war the commander of an armed force... has the power... to suspend all civil rights and their remedies, and subject citizens... to the rule of his will... If true, [our] republican government is a failure, and there is an end of liberty regulated by law.