It becomes a manual process with heavy radio traffic. It's slow, methodical, and reduces capacity to a fraction.

They could go higher, and that number could change. Obviously, this has the potential to become a problem.

It's difficult to attribute that to a single factor; the high cost of gas would have something to do with it. More importantly is the additional service.

This could not have happened at a more unfortunate time.

Most of the cars are on their side.

Normally there is a diversion of 2 to 3 percent. Instead we saw an increase. We bucked the trend and swung to get 5 percent.

Obviously there is concern about federal support to ensure they have the resources to keep the line in a state of good repair.

We recently had a fare increase, and so even with the cost of gas being what it is lately, I do not foresee a raise in our rates.

Now that the summer is over, in particular the Labor Day weekend, and the fact that the economy is improving, thus more people are commuting to New York, these are things that have helped our numbers. At this point, we do not have any solid numbers to indicate that the gas prices are the only thing that is making more people utilize our services.