The handlers are the ones that screw up, ... You've got to keep that target out in front and it's hard to do. That dog is 40 feet away and going Mach 12 right at you and you've got to time it.

When that dog jumps, the crowd just goes 'a-w-w-w!'

I think half the hyperness in her is from the terrier.

We also have a terrier and I think that's how she got so fast.

We doubled our circulation from the first issue to the second. There were over 100,000 copies printed on the second issue and we are looking at continuing that growth through the remainder of 2005 and into 2006.

I'd say of the upper echelon, about 50 percent are hunting dogs, ... But a lot of people just have French poodles and their family pet.

When we went to Minnesota, I had 15 people I've never met before in my life come up to me and ask, 'So, this is Missy, eh?'

They said, 'Hey, you've got a good dog,'.