"Cruz Reynoso" is a civil rights lawyer, professor emeritus of law, and the first Chicano Associate Justice of the California Supreme Court (1982–87). He also served on the California California_Courts_of_Appeal#Third_District/Third District Court of Appeal. In 1986, along with two other members of the California Supreme Court—Chief Justice Rose Bird and Associate Justice Joseph Grodin—Reynoso became one of only three State Supreme Court justices ever recalled and ousted by voters under California's judicial-retention election system. He served as vice-chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights from 1993 to 2004.

In 2000, Reynoso received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States' highest civilian honor, for his efforts to address social inequities and his public service.

More Cruz Reynoso on Wikipedia.

It's been a continuing issue for a long time. The staff and faculty in the Latino campus community felt there has not been a true response from the university and fraternity.

Some folk think it's a dead issue, but sometimes, when issues aren't resolved, they tend to fester. Nothing has come to fruition, and, until it does, there's a sense of dismay in the students and staff.

I am not sure farm workers are any better off today.