Claudia Roth
FameRank: 4

"Claudia Benedikta Roth" is a Germany/German Alliance '90/The Greens/Green Party politician. She was one of the two party chairs from 2004 to 2013 and currently serves as one of the President of the Bundestag/vice presidents of the Bundestag.

More Claudia Roth on Wikipedia.

We're fighting until 1759 [1559 GMT] on Sunday.

That would be a blatant infringement on the German 'no' to the Iraq war. Not the least bit of doubt should remain.

We want to hold exploratory talks, but these are not coalition negotiations.

The grand coalition of those who lost the election will make many people in this country losers as well.

A three-way alliance means the FDP would have to broadly reinvent itself. Opposition continues to be an option for us.