Making minor changes in your lifestyle is doable for most people.

It is in the best interest of Afghan people if the election is held in a peaceful environment. A peaceful election is a success of the Afghan people.

[Yet the bars, goos, and ices are no substitute for real food.] Energy bars are manufactured products, ... What you're missing from any kind of manufactured product are the benefits from nature -- the chemicals that aren't vitamins or minerals, but are phytochemicals -- which are still beneficial to our health.

A ceremony honoring his decision will be held on August 9.

Recovery work at the crash site will resume upon the arrival of a mortuary affairs team.

What I would far rather see is for someone to eat a sandwich and a piece of fruit, instead of that PowerBar. It's still something you can hold in your hand, but you're getting the whole grain from the bread, protein from the sandwich contents -- whether that's meat or cheese or fish -- and fiber from the whole grain and from the fruit.

Certainly loss of innocent lives is something that anyone putting together an operation tries to avoid, so loss of innocent lives is something that our forces avoid.