It doesn't dissolve blood clots, but it will help prevent them from growing and causing heart attacks.

You can use PDAs for patient information as well, labs and data. We have a system where all the lab results that are in the hospital computer can get hot-synced into your PDA, so that for the patients you're caring for in the hospital you have their potassium, and their creatinine, and their CK-MBs, etc.

There was a lot of discussion about [Katrina], ... One of the most important things we can learn is how we need horizontal integration -- how to work together at the local level.

This is a huge step forward.

The idea was to, in a very practical way, give people something to take back. We had people from all over the world.

We were delighted to find that patients who get the current state-of-the-art treatment with platelet blockers, medical treatment and stents during procedures had a significant improvement in their outcome.

You can say whatever you want about the federal response, but they've always said they won't be there for 72 to 96 hours.

This therapy has to be given within minutes, ... You have to rush. So there is a big push. It's a setting where you could imagine errors happening.

Every place we looked, the simpler the dosing, the fewer the errors. And if they had an error, it was bad news.