It's a subscription-based model. [Firms] pay on a per-user, per-year basis.

Our defense was pretty good tonight. South didn't shoot the ball well like they do at home. We're playing OK right now, but there's still a lot of work ahead for us.

The ultimate model that will emerge is going to be one that is a layered authentication approach. You will have risk-based authentication and forms of passive authentication, but, for certain segments of users and certain types of transactions that may be high-risk or high-value, there will be a need for strong credentials like one-time-password tokens.

Given the rise in activism in the last few years, especially last year, we may not be able to render a verdict for a while. But it seems like it has been hit or miss.

Do not vote on this proposal tonight. It does not meet the standard for my fourth-grade daughter.

Our pressure started catching up to them. Peninsula turned it over six times in the second and fourth quarters. They started to miss some shots.

Bona fide home grown pitcher.

We knew we can play with that team. We know we can beat that team.

A lot of personal information actually functions like a password and, as such, needs to be robustly protected.