He was here two nights in a row.

We were there all day, ... I told them, 'Mike Myers isn't gonna rehearse. We don't need Mike for sound checks. But we're all here for sound checks.' .

I have no problem with Second City. A lot of people try to create a competition where there isn't one.

When I met Del, I was doing these theater-sports type things, ... But I was very bored, and I said to Del, 'There's got to be something more than just games.' And he said, 'Well, you're not such a twit after all.' .

It's only a couple months early!

This is exactly what he wanted. This is Del getting the last laugh.

This is going to be the biggest comedy blowout ever, in part because you can't get bigger stars than this, and because it was so much work to put together I'm never doing it again.

Teach one three-hour class, like maybe tonight.