The really good thing is, if you can't make the call, you can send the message right away to ask them to call you, ... If they call me, it's OK. Same with their coach. And with the NCAA allowing that medium, it's definitely a plus.

Texting comes in addition to sending letters, ... Nothing can replace a handwritten letter checking in on a player. It's an electronic message that's not really as personal. And unless a player can really trust a program, they won't go there. And I don't think we can earn that trust by simply sending messages.

When we first came across this technology, we made sure there was no gray area, ... We're not going to guess it's OK and do it. We called and made sure.

You have to respect a player and remember that he is in high school. But if people start to abuse that method of contact in some fashion and parents and players start complaining, then I'm sure the NCAA would come in and restrict it.