We are going to be employing thousands of people in construction, in jobs in every industry. I think it really has the opportunity to change the face of Immokalee in a pretty rapid period of time.

We've had about 3,500 people sign up for more information since the groundbreaking. The response is overwhelmingly positive. Astonishingly so. We had a couple of calls from people saying they don't agree with this.

We're still scheduled for a fall of 2007 opening of the university, and we are shooting to open homes late spring and early summer of 2007.

This will be an entertainment-driven area and a fast-growing community. At the end of the day there will be 25,000 residents and 5,000 students, all with differing beliefs.

Today's approval is a critical component in the ongoing permitting process. With it, we will now move quickly forward.