We could enter the market in that manner but we haven't made any decisions just yet.

We are willing to go to court to convince a jury it wouldn't have been clear to any retailer. We are disappointed the CPSC was not willing to work with us in a constructive way to improve methods of identifying defective products for the consumer's benefit... We feel the fine is unjustified.

We are interested in importing more from India. Opening stores there is more complicated, primarily because of the regulation issues. Down the road we may be interested in building stores there. The most encouraging factor for us is the size of the market.

We're still looking into it.

Certainly, we have indicated our strong interest in a change there.

I think our preference is to have as direct a relationship as possible with our associates. We think that works best for our business and we try to run our business in a way that causes no real desire to have a union.

We expect to significantly increase the pace of our building there in the future.