If a fine is levied and the appeal process is run, (MSHA) ought to collect it. You ought to comply with the law, period.

It's important that we monitor these miners with problems. The intent is good. It needs to be thought through very carefully.

Coal production peaked in 1990, and we lost 40 percent of our production, which meant we lost 40 percent of our miners.

For all kinds of reasons, the labor pool is smaller.

I think it clearly adds some strong safety provisions that will improve safety in the mines.

It would probably keep outlaws out of the business.

It is going to get done.

But we have concern about any requirement for wireless tracking and communication because -- for now -- that technology doesn't work in a deep mine.

Clearly, there's no room for people working impaired in the coal mines. We work in fairly confined areas with large pieces of equipment, and there's no room for error.