In those situations, being a member of a service or plan that sends you reports could be a convenience.

Ultimately, you cannot prevent identity theft from happening to you, ... You can only reduce your chances.

There's not anything being done here that a consumer can't do themselves, ... We encourage consumers to check their credit reports themselves.

If the credit industry were doing a better job protecting you, we wouldn't need such products.

If you're a busy person and you don't want to put the burden on yourself to call every three months and you have the money, these services could be a convenience and a comfort.

If you've got some time, you should be able to control your own junk mail, ... don't charge a lot of money, so if you are very busy, it might be worth it to you.

I've talked with victims who've logged 500 hours.

If you've got your house, got your car, got your two credit cards and you know there's no other credit that you'll be getting in the near future and you're very, very, very concerned about identity theft, take advantage of the fraud alert.

Most cases can be handled by yourself.