Unfortunately, none of the available studies provides a definitive answer to this question. In this context, the two articles add to the debate.

We're featuring the most impressive fishing seminar lineup of any show in California. Many internationally famous anglers will only be appearing in the Bay Area this week at the Cow Palace.

We were pleased to see that a candidate for office has taken the time to meet with professionals in the field and to put together a comprehensive platform that will guide the office if he is elected. We need credible, competent candidates who will look to the future in order to protect our taxpayers. Bob Heap is just such a candidate.

I think mediums like the Internet and television are providing increased interest in cooking, chefs and food, which are all great to see.

I think the increased demand is partly due to smarter consumers. When information about healthy, gourmet and specialty items increase, demand will follow.

He hasn't been the best possible person to do the job, and he hasn't instilled a tremendous amount of confidence in the people under him.

She's very passionate about what the Humane Society stands for. She was tenacious without being annoying.

We're doing pretty well price-wise right now.