Anyone who's considering copying this behavior should see how quickly resources came together and how quickly state police solved this case.

People who come under scrutiny as part of an investigation deserve protection as well. We want to protect the integrity of the investigation.

It's a very long, very difficult process and a very difficult case. We're still working on it and committing our resources and attention to it.

I can't respond to a motion that doesn't exist, even if I wanted to. I'm sure they will file a motion and we will respond to it appropriately in court.

I am aware a decision will be released tomorrow. I'm awaiting that and don't think it would be appropriate to comment any further.

The bottom line in all of this is coming up with ways to protect our most vulnerable citizens, and that's children.

There's a process. The complaint was received. We reviewed the complaint. We felt it was sufficient to pass on to the judge. He played his role in the process and a decision was made.

People are going to say what they want to say. We want to follow the same barometer for all cases, and we worked hard to do that here.

I believe the State Police did an admirable job making contact with judicial officials, with my office and the people on the front lines being exposed. I think they also did a great job investigating immediately. Every time you have an incident you can learn from it, but I'd leave it to them.