We provide the gloves if they want to touch it (which many do).

I was trying to keep my head about me, although inside, I was screaming.

We want people to experience as much as they can instead of talking at them, lecturing at them, or reading information to them.

My mother flew out to see us on April 9. She had never flown before, and that snowstorm stretched from the Midwest to the East Coast. Her trip from Omaha was filled with delays, rough flights and circling airports for hours. She swore she would never fly again.

When he looked up, I realized this is the guy I'd been seeing on America's Most Wanted, a wanted fugitive.

They have earned it and it's nice to acknowledge their hard work. It's both a reward and an incentive for those looking on.

I didn't want to die like that.

We do have fifth- and sixth-graders already using substances...cigarettes would probably be the most common one, but there are [many who] experimented with alcohol, particularly beer.