We welcome this important court decision. The government should withdraw these spurious charges against all of the former Daily News journalists, repeal AIPPA and allow the Daily News to reopen.

Shi Tao is being unjustly punished by a government that routinely jails journalists.

We call on the Chinese government and Yahoo to provide a full explanation of the circumstances that led the company to provide account holder information.

As far as we know the military has conducted full investigations into only a handful of incidents and made public its reports on just two of them.

We categorically condemn the outrageous prosecution of Shi Tao.

By failing to account for all shooting deaths and demonstrate that it is taking steps to avoid future tragedies, the U.S. military shows an alarming disregard for the safety of civilians, including journalists covering this conflict.

This is simply unacceptable, ... Through these detentions the U.S. military gives every impression that it is not accountable. That's a bad example to give the citizens of an emerging democracy.