Very few artists have studios with a gallery and sign outside. Others are simply working out of their apartment or their house. Through contacts, they start to show in Cuba. If they are lucky, they will be picked up by galleries in the United States or Europe.

It's an interesting situation. Because a lot of people have time and opportunity, you get more art. Here, artists don't worry so much about being financially viable, so they try everything. They get to be more experimental.

Rumors travel fast in Cuba. Artists know I'm there before I get there. It's not hard to find the artists but it is hard to see everything.

Julie has been working nonstop, and she's still creating. She sent her family away on vacation and I don't think she's slept in two weeks. The clothes are so amazing; she has really managed to capture the personality of the celebrity in each outfit. Our greatest hope is that this will be so successful it will inspire a bigger auction next year.