Holy smokes, you were a state senator? No wonder I got beat.

The benefits to both clubs are obvious. The quality of the A-League being what it is, this is a superb opportunity for players from Auckland to play at that level. This is a chance for our players to go into probably the most professionally-run club in the league.

The big banks are very enthusiastic and we will back them; we see ourselves as a platform for these instruments.

The boys were sparkling beforehand and it was a matter of calming them down. They kept their discipline when things could have got away from them.

I am going to be 95 (today). I feel like 95 right now.

I am running out of opponents. They are all either dying or getting hurt.

Global warming is the greatest threat facing the planet today and we are close to passing the tipping point of irreversible climate change. That is why the action that the Mayor is taking through the London Climate Change Agency is so important.