Politics has always interested me. Despite the bad fallout, the criticism that politicians face, I still think it's a good thing to get involved.

So I said, 'yes,'.

I can always run as an independent. I wouldn't run as a Liberal with Paul Martin as the leader.

I asked my lawyer to look into the possibility of whether we should go to court, too. We'll see if justice is there for all or justice for (a) few.

I know politics, I know Quebec, I know the Italian community. . . and I'm giving them a hand.

After you spend 25 years in active politics it's very hard to get away from it.

This is a historic occasion and I'm giving my contribution.

It's not fair, he's soiling the party and soiling the reputation of people just to save his own neck. He's not just soiling the party, he's hurting the country also.