A great location in Central Florida and a variety of recreational opportunities, festivals and events continue to draw retirees to DeLand.

Every interview is about showmanship. Every person who walks into an interview is operating at a level of showmanship. The only question is whether you are aware of it and whether you follow the principles of good showmanship.

That's going to be looked at. We may go further. We'll look at that.

Strip away everything that is not absolutely essential to your focus. At the start of almost every interview, the interviewer will ask, 'what do you do?' Go directly into your focus.

They're a great offensive team. We just knew that every possession we were going to have to play hard defense. We thought we were talented enough to beat them.

We hope to have a big turnout. Community involvement isn't just important. It's essential.

In a job interview, you may be up against nine competitors. Be ready to state your focus more clearly than your nine rivals. Know your focus or get beaten by the competition who knows theirs.

Guys, we didn't play our best and we're up three points. That should let every single one of you know that we're a better basketball team than they are.