I have a lot of experience, and it's true someone 55 will be working, but they will not be working as hard as someone who is 40. I am 80, and I'm working hard, but I'm the exception to the case.

Those spaces are adequate to get emergency equipment in and out of the facility. There is good visibility ... in the parking area. Overall, from a traffic safety point of view, parking safety point of view, emergency trucking point of view, I see no problem whatsoever. It meets the criteria for good design for a parking area, and consequently in total this is a very desirable use.

There is convenient access to the site. Very little traffic will be leaving the site during the [4-6] p.m. period, as well as in the a.m. peak period. During the a.m. and p.m. period, from a traffic safety point of view, it is convenient and safe, and it will create no problem whatsoever.